Goals For 2011

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Goals For 2011

I don’t make resolutions because I don’t want to break them.

Spend more time with my husband and family- I have not had a date night since 2007, the main reason being we never have a babysitter.  Also between my husband’s career and running a household, we barely have time to spend together as a family. 

Get fit- I am sure this is on everyone’s list this year. I would like to lose 25 lbs., or at least get in shape. According to the BMI scale I am obese. I blame depression and stress, and having 3 kids in less than 3 years.

Get my teeth fixed-I have always had bad teeth, and they keep getting worse. Some dentist say it had to do with my head trauma and stroke (yes I am 26 and I’ve had a stroke, 17 years ago) others say it’s from me not taking care of my teeth. Anyways I need between 5-10,000 dollars’ worth work done.

Get a makeover-I have never had a makeover, and really want one. Plus I would love to surprise my husband.


I would love to attend more events and have them either be kid friendly or held on the weekend.  I live 1 hour from NYC and so many blogging events are held there, but I rarely get invited. I want that to change.

Switch and Design-I want to switch my blog over to self-hosted Word press and get a design. I never even knew that I wasn’t self-hosted.  I need like 500 dollars for all this, so let’s see if that happens.

Expanding my blog-Along with a new design, I want to increase my readership and maybe even have some guest posts and more.  I’ve been blogging longer than half the bloggers out there and I have less stats.

Not a lot, but you need money to have most of these things and that’s something that we just don’t have right now.

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2 thoughts on “Goals For 2011

  1. I think we all have resolutions 🙂
    One of them that wouldn’t be too hard is the makeover- you’re in New York! In our dinky town they have beauty schools – and for a small price (usually $20 above the haircut) they will do your hair, and makeup. A friend and I did that a few years ago- the kids loved playing around!
    Check out and see if the beauty schools do it, and take a day on yourself and get all gussied up 🙂

    1. I went to Beauty school actually and I am not sure if I would ever let them touch my hair. But as for a makeover, i want the whole package. Eyebrows, makeup, hair etc.

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