V Season 2 has Started

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V season 2 aired this week and I did get to watch it. It was a little confusing to understand at first, but I slowly catched on.  Anna is trying to get everyone to trust her, so they will not be scared of the visitors. She has a hidden agenda though, she is very mysterious. She is encouraging everyone to come to the V healing centers and get healed, but then she has a power over them.

It’s not to late to jump into the world of V and pick up season 1 here

You can watch the season 2 premiere of V on ABC or the next episode will air January 11, at 9/8c on ABC.

Disclosure: “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote V: The Complete First Season on DVD. You can purchase a copy here: http://bit.ly/e6ABTG.”

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2 thoughts on “V Season 2 has Started

  1. My husband really likes “V” – he was watching it the other night on SyFy. I didnt know another season started, will have to tell him!

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