Cleaning out My Desk GiveawayClosed

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From time to time I will receive a gift card as compensation and put it in my desk and forget about it.  Well my workspace is getting crowded, so its time to clean out.

Now instead of spending the gift cards on myself, I want to share them with you.

1 Winner will receive

1 $10 Pizza Hut gift card

1 $10 Friendly’s gift card

1 $15 Olive Garden gift card

3 nights of no cooking for any mom. LOL!

To enter just tell me how you would use these? (special date, dinner, give as a gift etc.)

Extra Entries

Grab my button and put it on your blog-8 entries

Subscribe to my feed-7 entries

Follow me on twitter-5 entries

leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries

Tweet this-2 entries (can be done daily)

Contest ends 2/18/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, I am sponsoring this post.

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434 thoughts on “Cleaning out My Desk GiveawayClosed

  1. I would use these so I didn’t have to make dinner on three nights
    baazinga9 at yahoo dot com

  2. I would use these on a busy weekday and give one to my Mother in law for Valentines Day.
    southcarolinamommy at gmail dot com

  3. I would take my sister out to dinner who has a TON of bad luck lately. She needs cheering up 🙂

  4. When the guys come over for band practice all the wives go out for dinner. I’d use these then.

  5. I would use the gift cards for date night with the hubby.. they are so few and far between it would be wonderful to do something together. Thanks for the great contest..

    sweeps4us at gmail dot com

  6. Hmmm….I think that I would surprise my fiancée to a nice dinner out! Thanks for the chance.
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  7. I would use one for myself as a treat. Then I would give the other two to my daughters, who have kids and deserve a night out.

  8. I am a single grandma & cannot afford to go out much. sometimes a friend & I want to go do something and it is easier to split the cost of 1 meal if 1 is paid for! So my friend I could have dinner out – & if I can win some movie tickets from the radio, maybe that too!

  9. I would take them with us on vacation to help defray the cost of our meals.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. Found your site on yahoo today and really liked it.. I bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later.

  11. I like the blog, but could not find how to subscribe to receive the updates by email.

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