Choose You Helps You Commit To Your Resolutions GiveawayClosed

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I don’t make resolutions because I can never keep them.  Now that it’s almost the end of January I have forgotten all about them.   Taking care of yourself is still very important and that is one thing I have been working on.  50% of cancer deaths could be prevented if women maintained a healthy weight through diet and regular exercise, avoided tobacco products and got recommended cancer screenings. 

The American Cancer Society’s Choose you program helps women put their health first and stick to their health commitments by offering social support and financial incentives that have been proven to create long-term behavior change.  All you have to do is log on to and sign up to make a commitment.   As an extra incentive, women who make a new Choose You commitment now through January 31, 2011 will be entered into the New Year New You sweepstakes.  You will have a chance to win health related prizes, including a trip to LA to meet a personal trainer, spa gift cards and more.

To help you commit and get fit. I am giving away a Choose You prize pack

1 person will win a jump rope, a pedometer, a flower pin, a Choose You t-shirt, and resistance band all in a cute little bag.

To enter: tell me one of your resolutions or goals for this year?

Extra entries:

Visit and commit-12 entries

Grab my button-7 entries

Subscribe to my feed-6 entries

Blog about this- 5 entries

Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries

Follow me on twitter-3 entries

like this post on Facebook (button underneath post)-2 entries

tweet this-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends 2/20/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. I received a gift pack and information from the American Cancer Society, who is also providing the giveaway.

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21 thoughts on “Choose You Helps You Commit To Your Resolutions GiveawayClosed

  1. Break a few bad habits of eating.. Make dinners sit down as much as possible.. no eating on go. Try to eat a little more healthier.
    karenmed409 at comcast dot net

  2. I plan to stick to my WW plan, go to the gym and just be active all around as a family :0) I also want to commit to more time for ME so that I can be a better Mommy for my family.

    [email protected]

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