My Year Ahead

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I am starting to get going on my goals for 2011. If I made them resolutions they would be broken, and gone by now.

I have been trying to lose weight for over a year now, while I have only lost a few pounds. I have to put that on hold for a few months. My first goal is to get my teeth worked on, and I’m going in for a root canal tomorrow.  While I probably won’t be able to get all the work done that I want (It’s expensive). I’m going to get everything done that I can.

My next goal was to lose weight, everyone keeps telling me I don’t need to, but I have a baby pouch. I’ve had 3 kids in 34 months and struggled with depression now its time to get my body back. My goal is to lose 30 lbs.

As for blogging everything has started out great. I have a new design that I love and I am hoping to move over to self hosted this year. I haven’t really been getting a lot of pitches lately, but that’s fine. I have been invited to tons of events in NYC, but I have turned 90% of them down.

Heres why:

I would love to attend brand events and get closer to sponsors and connect more. My husband is a grad student working on his PHD and we don’t do daycare( it’s costs money). So to me my husband career is more important than mine. So unless a event is on a weekend or I can bring my kids, I can’t attend. To me family is more important than free stuff!  I know bloggers who are all about the free stuff, but I am not one of them.

So everyone wish me luck that I can stick to my goals.

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3 thoughts on “My Year Ahead

  1. Very good goals, and I know what ya mean about dental being an expensive thing! Have you looked around to see if there is a dental college nearby? Many times you can get the smaller things done (cleanings, fillings etc) done pretty resonable – alot less than offices. We go to those, and pay $20 per visit. Might be worth looking into.
    I actually respect you more by you putting your family first- it is way more important than blogging oe being online. You & your husband have worked hard to get him where he is now- and your family should be your first priority.

    I have always liked your blog, and hope as things even out, you blog more and do more things. Until then, I will just keep following 🙂

    Happy New Year to your family!

  2. I’m right there with you on dental work. We don’t have dental insurance and I’ve had impacted wisdom teeth for over a year. It’s crazy how expensive it is!

    I think it’s awesome that you’re not afraid to put your family first. As a mom and wife, I believe that’s the best thing you can do. Your children and husband will be so blessed by your dedication to them.

    I was just doing some freelance blog hopping and I’m glad I stumbled onto your blog. Very nice! I’m following you now. I hope you’ll stop by my blog and say hi.

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