Ducan Hines Decadent Mixes and Glazes

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I was able to try out new Duncan Hines products a few months ago.

Description:  Includes a pouch with real chocolate chunks and rich fudge so you can bake an over-the-top cake, all with one box. Contains zero trans fats and no hydrogenated oils.

Description:  Amazing Glazes is a lightly decadent dessert topping that you just microwave and pour onto your favorite dessert! Our smooth, silky finish will inspire you to new levels of style and grace. Simply put, they’re amazing.

****These cakes are so good I tried the triple chocolate and the apple caramel. Both were very good, the triple chocolate was maybe a little to chocolatey if there is one such thing.  The glaze frosting is fun, just pop the in the microwave to warm up, then glaze the cake.  The problem was that some spots were really thick while others were super hot.


Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, products were received for review.

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3 thoughts on “Ducan Hines Decadent Mixes and Glazes

  1. I am dying to try these out. They do look decadent. I nice change from the usual boxed cake mixes. The triple chocolate sounds heavenly!

  2. I saw another review on these, and the results were similar to yours- that it was thick in some places and too thin in others. Think I will stick with plain old frosting-not fancy enough for glazes!

  3. I made their Caramel Apple cake mix and used the vamilla glaze as it was so delicious and the family just loved it.

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