Monday Mingle January 31,2011

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Monday Mingle


For more Monday Mingle visit Eighty MPH Mom

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11 thoughts on “Monday Mingle January 31,2011

  1. Ooh homemade tacos! Love to make tacos. That was the most requested birthday dinner in our house growing up. 🙂
    Lasagna is good! Ooh fudge…
    Have a good week!

  2. Tacos are great and so is lasagna. Yum! It seems we usually have that a lot when it comes to birthdays or get togethers. They must be universal faves. 🙂

    That’s so neat you have recipes that are passed down from one generation to another. That’s what I hope to do with my kids! 🙂

  3. Nice to meet you. We love lasagna, my hubs first wife was Italian and I have learned to make it better than her (I’m Irish). I also have learned to make my grandmother’s fudge, but it’s just the one on the Fluff jar. 🙂
    Hope you are have a great week.

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