Where’s Walrus Book Review

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Description: Bored with life at the zoo, an adventurous walrus escapes to the outside world. With the zoo keeper in hot pursuit, Walrus cleverly tries on all sorts of hats to disguise himself.  Will a yellow hard hat point to a new life as a construction worker? or will a red swimming cap reveal his true talents? Follow this happy-go-lucky runaway as he hides amongst firefighters, businessman and even high step dancers in this wordless picture book.

***** I was kindof discouraged when I received this book, because I thought it was like a where’s Waldo book. My kids all seem to enjoy it though, and after watching them read it I realized that this book really does help with picture recognition. I woold say that this book would be better for ages 1-5. There are no words, and there are very few pictures that it makes it so easy to find Walrus.

Retail:16.99 but you can find on Amazon.com for $11.32

Release date: February 1, 2011

My rating:6

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided by Scholastic.

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2 thoughts on “Where’s Walrus Book Review

  1. Good review!
    You know sometimes you see these books and until someone does a review, you never know what you’re getting- especially if you just look for new releases.
    Its great you put an age range!

  2. Thanks for the review. I’ve seen a few posts on this book and also thought it would be along the lines of a “Where’s Waldo?” book.

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