Slowing down

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I haven’t been around much lately, as I am without a computer.  I turned my laptop into geeksquad on Saturday to get fixed, and it is not expected to be back until the week of the 22nd. Yes I am going nuts not being able to upload pics or videos and do more posts. Right now I am using oour desk top which I do not like very much.

So while I am not fully 100% on top of my blog , I will be in a few weeks. So if i owe you a post or am late picking winners, please excuse me i am trying my best.

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2 thoughts on “Slowing down

  1. Hopefully during your kinda ‘down-time’ you will get some rest in, some playing in and enjoy being unplugged a bit 🙂 A break is a good thing, but looking forward to you returning too!

  2. ugh, PC problems are the worst 🙁 especially when the weather’s bad. Enjoy the downtime though.. it’s nice to unplug every now and then!

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