My Wee View-Dora’s ballet adventures dvd/2/18/11
SAHM Reviews-The Graduate dvd/2/18/11
Here and There-Scotchblue painters tape/2/20/11
Val’s Views-Pocoyo Box Set/2/25/11
My Wee View-compact mirror/2/25/11
My Wee View-$75 Zutano gift card/2/25/11
Mom Knows It All-$50 Eden Fantasys Gift card/2/26/11
SAHM Reviews-Yoplait exercise package/2/28/11
Rockin Mama-Sweet talking Ken doll/2/28/11
SAHM Reviews-Pocoyo dvds/2/28/11
Moms focus Online-Luxery bath towels/3/2/11
Moms Focus Online-Glitzy Pets shoes/3/3/11
Moms Focus Online-Hoover Carpet cleaner/3/7/11
Thanks so much for posting these! I read alot of newsletter but sometimes miss from skimming thru too quickly. Having them together sure makes it easier (eyeballing the painters tape ) LOL