Win A Trip To Disney From Snapfish

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Snapfish and Disney have teamed up to offer everyone a chance to win  a 5 day/4 night Disney vacation, to either Disney World in Florida or Disneyland in California. The winner will also receive a $200 Snapfish gift card to share all there great pictures from the trip.

You can go here to enter here and if your one of the first 100,000 people , you’ll receive a free redemption code to make your own calendar. You have to redeem the code by 2/28/11 though.

I just entered yesterday and received a code, so they may not have reached 100,000 yet.

No compensation was received for this post.

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5 thoughts on “Win A Trip To Disney From Snapfish

  1. OK lets see if it was my computer 🙂 I put it to ‘sleep’ and it freaked out !
    I have always wanted to go to Disney- maybe this will be the chance I need- thanks for posting!

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