Pretty Little Liars Set the Mood with Music

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When you watch a movie the music always sets the mood. When a couple are kissing they play romantic music. Someone is upset sad music etc.

I have my own personal soundtrack, no I’m not singing. I have songs picked out that I love listening to at certain times, upbeat dance tunes when I’m working out.  slow country music when I’m sad, and usually rock when I’m happy or cleaning.  I like the song Jack and Jill by Katie Herzig, I’m not sure what it is. When the lyrics and the tone of the song come on, I could actually picture my life on a show and that song playing.

Here is a video of Fay Wolf describing her song Your love( most popular song), which is available only on the soundtrack.


A full list of songs and artists:

  1. Secret by The Pierces
  2. Beauty Queen by Ben’s Brother
  3. I Won’t by Colbie Caillat
  4. More Of You by MoZella
  5. Suggestions by Orelia Has Orchestra
  6. Fresh pair Of Eyes by Brooke Waggoner
  7. Jack and Jill by Katie Herzig
  8. All Those Pretty Lights by Andrew Belle
  9. Genius Of Fun by Love Gernades
  10. Make You Mine by 2AM Club
  11. Your Love by Fay Wolf
  12. Out Of Reach by Matthew Perryman Jones

Catch Pretty Little Liars Mondays 8/7c on ABC Family, and visit iTunes to preview songs and pick up a copy of the album here: .

Disclosure:  “I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote the Pretty Little Liars Soundtrack.”

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