Vote For Me Please

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Mom Central is holding a program where bloggers can enter for grants to help them expand their biz/blogs.

I entered and voting has started today, I would really appreciate a vote. You can vote once a day.

I never win at these voting contests, its always a popularity contest.

please vote for me here

I would offer extra entries into contests, but I want this to be fair contest I don’t play dirty.


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2 thoughts on “Vote For Me Please

  1. Many many blogs use extra entries- unless it is in your rules, use what you have!
    It doesnt mean they wil vote for you, but it keeps people aware of it.
    Many blogs also encourage tweeting now. I wrote one up for you, and I am tweeting- I hope you do well, I have always enjoyed your blog & would love to see you grow!
    (heres a tweet ) Best of luck!

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