Monday Mingle March 7, 2011

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11 thoughts on “Monday Mingle March 7, 2011

  1. ya too. *sigh*
    I hope I will have a job too…hopefully nursing…
    i am a CNA now sooo…maybe.
    We’ll see.
    hope i wont be that stressed out…
    thanks for mingling!
    i agree with you and erin…cost of living is a witch!
    4 bucks a gallon? where do u live if you dont mind me asking…i hope it goes down a little for you!

  2. Yep in 10 years the kids will be doing their own thing- enjoy them little while you can 🙂

  3. Yikes $4 already? Where are you? We are inching our way towards that right now. Time to start really thinking before getting into the car. Have a great week!

  4. I did my mingle early too!

    I see myself all stressed out too, oh and I love the big & Tasty. I had to stop eating it because I was gaining weight from it. YUmm

    Gas, Yikes!!!! What are we going to do.

  5. $4 makes me cringe… you poor thang! I hope it starts to warm up for you soon so that you’re not having to heat your house too much longer! Happy Monday…

  6. hi hi! u just reminded me that i’ll have an 11,13,15,23 yr olds. omg! i think i’m speachless.

  7. I am going to have teens like you 🙂 I hope that you won’t be too stressed out 🙁 I have not heard of a big and tasty. It sounds good though. Holy cow $4! Crazy! That would keep me home for sure. Have a great week!

  8. Hello! Oh wow you are going to be busy with 3 teenagers. I wish you the best of luck with that…they are stressful alright!

    You are smart to limit the meat – I think I need to work on that too.

    Thanks for mingling!

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