Monday Mingle March 14, 2011

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8 thoughts on “Monday Mingle March 14, 2011

  1. Hello! I’m glad you joined in the mingle again.

    Lidocaine? That’s the numbing stuff I think? That would be bad to be allergic to 🙁

    I think I probably still snore when I am exhausted too – but I’ll take that over every day snoring!

    Thanks for mingling!

  2. Ooh that would be tough to be allergic to.
    LOL I think people are prone to snoring if they’re reallllly tired. 😉
    Have a great week! 🙂

  3. I do mine out of the shower usually! Today was right after making breakfast.

    You have a helper in the background!

    Medical allergies are hard.

  4. I really like seeing your Monday Mingle- you did a great job(shhh I know I snore, but deny it constantly)

  5. I loved the hair at the beginning.
    I kind of wish that I could fix my clothes better, but I at least can a little.
    Love the kid noises in the background.

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