Disney’s The Ballad Of Nessie Short

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Disney is releasing images of a new short that will appear in the new upcoming movie Winnie The Pooh, which hits theaters July 15, 2011


A little information about the short:

Set in the Bonny Blue Highland The Ballad Of Nessie is tall tale about the friendly Lochness Monster, and how she and her best friend MacQuack the rubber duck came to live in the moor they now call home. Setting the adventure into motion is a greedy land developer named MacFroogle, who decides to build a mini golf empire on top of Nessie’s home.

I am really excited about this short.  Well I am excited about most Disney movies, but I am Scottish and My grandparents would tell me about Scotland and Lake Lochness all the time!

Disclosure: No compensation was received, just sharing information provided by Disney.

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