Monday Mingle 3/21/11

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9 thoughts on “Monday Mingle 3/21/11

  1. Nice to meet you! Your girl is adorable. I know my son would say I’m on the internet WAAAYYY too much! I try to mingle when I can – so I hope to see you again soon! 🙂

  2. She is so cute!!!
    Hmm- I would spend alot more time outside too & my house would be cleaner 🙂
    My fav dog breed is a larger dog- the pointy ear curly tailed kind- shepherds, chows etc
    I thought she would say monsters are under the bed LOL!
    Great Monday Mingle!

  3. We have a chihuahua right now too – love her to pieces! It is impossible to clean under beds unless you move or move your bedroom around. My girls have toys under their beds too and it makes me CRAZY! Have a great week!

  4. Your little girl is so cute! What a big helper! 🙂 I agree with the above statement, “are we supposed to clean under the bed?” Hmmm…I bet my mother-in-law does, but for me, that is a massive fail! LOL!

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Aww nice of her to join ya! My daughter says hi to her. LOL
    Chihuahuas are cute…
    I love those under bed storage boxes. They’re fantastic!
    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Nice to meet you Randi. (Hope I spelled that right) If your little girl doesn’t think you use the internet too much, then you’re okay 😉 Dust is inevitable under the bed. Toys and clothes in kids rooms are inevitable too. Happy week to you 🙂

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