Special k Bars have more Fiber for Dessert

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Special K cereal bars are a delicious in between meals snack with 90 calories and 3 grams of fiber.  

These are the perfect snack for any one trying to watch their weight, like me. They have even added two new flavors that taste just like dessert, raspberry cheesecake and Chocolate Chip cookie. I have to say that I’ve tried both thanks to Kellogg’s and they are so good.  I don’t have to feel guilty about having dessert.  The chocolate chip cookie tastes just like a cookie and raspberry cheesecake is my favorite.

Kellogg’s Special K is committed to putting more nutrition in their food. Marisa Thompson, director of Kellogg’s wholesome snacks says “Special K continues to provide a simple solution to help consumers jump-start their realistic, attainable weight management goals with great tasting foods.”

You can find these now in your grocery store snack aisle. for more information please visit Special K

Disclosure: No compensation was received, a product was provided for my review. All opinions are my own.

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2 thoughts on “Special k Bars have more Fiber for Dessert

  1. I really like SpecialK products, I think they are on the right track with their fiber products. The raspberry sounds yummy!

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