Tangled Fun and Coupon

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Tangled hits store shelves this Tuesday March 29, 2011, don’t miss getting a copy.

Claire Keane, Talented conceptual artist shares her insights on Rapunzel’s walls.

“Rapunzel’s walls are really a reflection of what she could see from her window as well as what she was thinking about. There was a definite plan with specific choices made in choosing the colors of Rapunzel’s walls. It was important to create how Rapunzel would create, not how I would create, so I had to try a variety of different things that would express her world.”

“I’ve always been inspired by other artists whose works stands out to me for different reasons. Marc Chagall inspires me for his use of color, the great illustrator Charlie Harper inspires me for how to organize objects, and my Dad (Legendary Disney artist, Glen Keane) who always pushes me to really think about what I am creating and why.”

“Ideas can come from real life – learn to see the beauty in the tiniest things. Rapunzel’s life changed within a single day and what happens to us on a daily basis is important and is part of what shapes us overall.”
In the movie Tangled, Mother Gothel locks Rapunzel up in a tower to protect her from the dangerous outside world.  Thinking about it, how many times as a child did your parents tell you to trust their judgement or that they know better so don’t do it?
Growing up there were tons of times I didn’t listen to what my parents said. 
 You can get a $5 coupon, to help you save on our purchase of the dvd. just visit Disney Movie Rewards

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, just sharing information.

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One thought on “Tangled Fun and Coupon

  1. This looks like a very cute movie, and from all the reviews I have read/seen everyone sure likes it!
    Disney does things right, and I am sure this will become another of their classics!

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