Arnold Artisan Ovens Flatbreads

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These new flatbreads are so versatile that they can be used at any meal or between meals.  You can roll, dip or rip ‘em, and bake, grill or enjoy them fresh out of the package. And with the three varieties – Original, Savory Herb and Multi-Grain, you’re sure to find one you love

Right now these are only available in the Northeast at Wal-Mart and Sams Club, but the company hopes to sell them everywhere soon. they retail for $3.49

These taste just like Pita bread, and there are so many uses for them. We received all three varieties, and ate them plain, with dip, as bread for sandwiches, and more. Our favorite was savory Herb, it just had a little extra kick. The best part is they received my husband s deal of approval, which is a very hard thing to do!                                      I also received a reusable shopping bag, oven mitt and coupons. I love getting shopping bags with companies logos on them, I always have people ask about them, what are they? Is it good? etc.

My rating:8

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, A product was provided by the company. All opinions are my own.

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