Save The Savannah with Disney’s African Cats

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An  epic true story set against the backdrop of one of the wildest places on Earth,  “African Cats” captures the real-life love, humor and determination of the  majestic kings of the savanna.  Narrated by Oscar-nominated actor Samuel L. Jackson, the story  features Mara, an endearing lion cub who strives to grow up with her mother’s  strength, spirit and wisdom; Sita, a fearless cheetah and single mother of five  mischievous newborns; and Fang, a proud leader of the pride who must defend his  family from a rival lion and his sons.  DisneyNature brings “The Lion King” to life on the big screen in this True Life Adventure directed by  Keith Scholey and Alastair Fothergill (“Earth”).  An  awe-inspiring adventure blending family bonds with the power and cunning of the  wild, “African Cats” leaps into theatres on Earth Day, April 22, 2011.

You can help save the Savannah, During the film’s opening week (April 22-28), a  portion of the proceeds from that week’s ticket sales will be donated to the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)  through the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund to ensure the future of lions,  cheetahs, elephants, zebras, giraffes and a host of other animals in the vibrant  African savanna. The AWF will be working to protect the Amboseli Wildlife Corridor, a passage between  the Amboseli, Tsavo West and Chyulu National Parks that is frequently used by a  variety of wildlife. You can help by seeing the movie and spreading the word. Some Ideas

  • Liking DisneyNature On Facebook
  • Pledge to see African Cats on Eventful
  • Join the Grassroots community and donate to AWF on Causes
  • Buy Tickets and invite friends through Disney Tickets Together(They will double their donation)


Disclosure: No Compensation was received, just sharing information provided by Disney.

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    One thought on “Save The Savannah with Disney’s African Cats

    1. My daughter is sold on this whole idea of going to the movie and saving the wildlife at the same time. At first glance this seems so wonderful…maybe too good to be true.

      Can anyone tell me where I can find accountability financial statements that show the donations are actually going to the “Foundation” and not lining some foreign dictator’s pocket?

      I am searching all over Disney and this “African Wildlife Foundation” (which appears to have a publicity-hype home page), only to become more and more cynical that our hard-earned dollars sent with the love and idealistic sparkle of our beautifully-intentioned young people may not actually be going to what we think it may be going (or maybe not going in total, but in microscopic amounts, to the promised cause–and the rest to local government pockets).

      Don’t get me wrong, I’m just as supportive of a good cause as anyone….I just want to make sure the support really gets the right cause.

      Does anyone know of any contribution %’s for this campaign? (I’m not interested in past awards from 2009 and back to 1999.) I would just like to see if this campaign is planned ahead of time to actually do what it says.

      Another positive by-product is that I’m teaching my 13 year old daughter to think for herself and not be bamboozled by a publicity hype and a “good cause;” I would like her to learn to depend on her own research of fact to make sound decisions for the rest of her life. If this is actually a decent and honest management of a non-profit portfolio, then she will see her donation going to an honest, good cause and really helping. We hope this is the case.

      I will continue to research; if I find anything I will come back here with the info. We are looking for facts, not publicity hype, if possible. (We already have that).

      Many thanks!!

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