Arm and Hammer Power Gel Celebrates 1 year with a Contest

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Arm and hammer power gel, the first gel laundry detergent is turning one, and to celebrate they are holding a first birthday photo contest. From messy faces, to chocolate covered bibs share the moment at and you could win an ultimate kids birthday party. The party will be professionally planned and full of kid messy activities.

You can enter now through June 15, 2011, just upload a photo to Power Gel Party and write a 50 word or less caption explaining the picture. The top 5 finalist will announced on July 18 and then it’s up to the community to vote for the winner.

Arm and Hammer Power Gel is perfect for tackling the toughest stains.  It works great and I love the smell of it.  It has gotten out a few big grass stains that the kids had in their pants. The spaghetti stains we have faded but are not completely gone.

Disclosure: No compensation was received a product was received for this post. All opinions are my own.


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