Win A Trip To L.A. To Train Like The Stars

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Beach season starts in a little over a month, and not all of us have the swimsuit body we want yet. Centrum Multi-vitamins understands that, and has started a great contest.

Centrum Multivitamins has teamed up with Harley Pasternak to offer some tips

1. Go global with your diet.
Exposing your palate to different cuisines can help you find foods that are
nourishing, slimming and never boring. Whether Greek yogurt, Japanese tofu, or Swedish rye bread, the
world’s healthiest countries take pride in a few very special ingredients.

2. The healthiest solutions are often the simplest ones
— like walking instead of driving, broiling instead of frying, and taking a
daily multivitamin. Making common-sense decisions about the way you eat, move,
and live can help you exponentially increase your health and wellness level.

3. Try to stick to low-sugar beverages and drink more
water. Try all sorts of tea — black, oolong, and green – for an antioxidant
flavor boost.

4. Every step counts. Walk everywhere, whether it’s to
the grocery store or to work. Take the stairs whenever you can. If you have to
be on the phone, pace around while you talk, or do jumping jacks during TV
commercial breaks. Regular movement has an infinite number of benefits.

5. Enjoy one free day a week! Indulge in eating a treat
such as dark chocolate and sleep in late. It will motivate you to keep up a
healthy lifestyle during the other six days.

They are giving away a trip to L.A. all expenses paid to Train like the stars, all you have to do to enter is text the word Centrum to 89800.

It’s that simple.

Disclosure: No compensation was received, Just sharing info.

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One thought on “Win A Trip To L.A. To Train Like The Stars

  1. Win a trip to Tennessee, too! Hi, folks. I’m sharing the word about a great and inexpensive vacation idea that includes a sweepstakes. Tennessee promises to be beautiful this summer and I found something called the Pigeon Forge Family Challenge. It’s a sweepstakes to win a $10,000 prize and be one of five families to compete for a chance to become “Pigeon Forge’s first reality stars.” Here’s a link for more info:
    Thanks, all!

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