Monday Mingle May 9, 2011

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Oh and excuse my face, I have been having a lot of breakouts lately.

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6 thoughts on “Monday Mingle May 9, 2011

  1. Yay for Memorial babes! LOL Charlie’s bday is on the 30th 🙂
    Hope you had a great Mother’s Day!
    Have a great week!

  2. Hello! Everyone seems to love those Cadbury eggs lol. My fave is the Whopper eggs – yum. I think I gained 10 lbs over Easter just eating those things.

    Have a great week and thanks for mingling!

  3. I always watch your Monday mingle- you do a great job!

    Pedicures kinda freak me out- to have someone mess with your feet is just odd (but I bet it feels really good!) Never had a manicure either- am I missing something?

  4. A birthday sounds like a great way to spend Memorial Day. LOVE chocolate and caramel. Diet soda IS different-just can’t get around that. Never had a pedi? Indulge darling, it’s great (except for the nail part!). Have a fantastic week 🙂

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