Superhuman Powers Of Smallville

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One of the coolest things about the show Smallville is that Clark has super powers, he is Superman. He has tons of powers still undiscovered too. The two really cool ones are heat vision,  in which he can shoot fire beams from his eyes. The other is Super speed, he can run fast as a train.

My favorite is super speed, in Season 1 the pilot episode Clark misses the bus and learns that he has super speed and out runs it.   If I had super speed there would be so many endless possibilities for me, no more taking to the city. I would probably be in better shape from running so much. If I was in HIgh School like Clark, I would definitely use it to outrun bullies.  Maybe try out for track, but I think that would make it to noticeable that I have a superpower.  If I had super speed I think that I would over achieve and try to run against everything I could think of, which could land me in trouble. I would race trains, cars, planes and so much more.

The ‘Smallville: The Complete Series’ DVD lets you experience the exciting journey Clark Kent embarks upon to realize his destiny! With over 24 hours of special features and 2 hours of never before seen footage, the complete series on DVD is the ultimate resource for the Smallville fan! 

Disclosure:  “I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for ‘Smallville.'”

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One thought on “Superhuman Powers Of Smallville

  1. I was glued to the tv from begginning to end of the Smallville series.

    If I had super powers, first, I would have to design myself a cute costume, then I would want to be able to breath under water.T ransport myself, so I don’t have to worry about traffic. I saw the last episode the other night, I was hoping to see Lois and Clark at the alter, or to see if he finally rips his shirt to reveal his costume.. left me wondering if they will have another series.

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