Faces Of The Future Campaign

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I have never been to a boys and girls club, but growing up I always wish I had. My friends would talk about all the fun they had and how much support they had.

Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA), in partnership with Microsoft and Comcast, has launched the Faces of the Future campaign, designed to raise awareness about the importance of digital literacy. The campaign features youth from across America who have been positively impacted by the Club Tech program and shows how technology can transform lives.

Boys and Girls Club has always been known as a safe place parents can send their kids to play sports, but it has evolved into so much more. They now have a club tech program that helps kids through technology, like graphic design, photography and more.

You can help the boys and girls club by liking them on Facebook, for every ten likes they get a club member will receive Microsoft Office 2010. By clicking the like button you’re helping those kids in need.

Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a gift card in exchange for this post.  No monetary exchange took place.”

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One thought on “Faces Of The Future Campaign

  1. B&G Club is a very good program! I am a little too old to have gone to the one we have in our town but know quite a number of the kids who have benefitted- thanks for the post- off to give them a like!

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