Disney Store Time Square unveils First Floor

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Disney has added some extra special pixie dust to its Times Square location. The iconic store’s first level has been redesigned to feature more interactive experiences and innovative technology in an effort to capture guests’ imagination the instant they enter the store.  The Pixie Trail, Magical Trees and NY skyline which were initially only present on the second level, have now also sprinkled their magic down to the first level. With its redesigned first level, Disney Store can fully maximize the store’s capacity and deliver a magical experience to the crowds of up to 10,000 guests who visit the landmark store on busy days. Disney Store has also created one of the most innovative escalator rides by adding a new custom-designed 2D animated storytelling feature created in collaboration with Disney Studios. The effort reinforces Disney’s commitment to continue delivering “the best 30 minutes of a child’s day.

The unveiling will take place Today at 10 AM

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. Just sharing information.

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