I Have Swimsuit Confidence

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I have had weight problems lately, but I am the kind of person that really doesn’t care what other people think of me. So here is my swimsuit confidence.

None of my pics came out very good but I tried!


Lands End was holding Swimsuit confidence week, but I missed out. Luckily 5 Minutes For Mom still has a contest running for a chance to win $100 dollars to Lands End for an awesome swimsuit.

Now I do not ow a Lands End swimsuit, nor did I participate and get a free one (That is my disclosure also).  The bathing suit I have is old and I am just showing my confidence and hoping to win a contest.

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One thought on “I Have Swimsuit Confidence

  1. Hey, I think anyone who will do the swimsuit thing has confidence- but then too I am older 🙂
    Ya look great and I hope you win!

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