Switching To Half Day Kindergarten

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My oldest daughter Kenzie is in Kindergarten this year, and my other daughter Alex will start this fall. They were so excited that they are going to be taking the bus together.  Unfortunately Early this year we were informed by a letter, that due to budget cuts kindergarten will be cut to half day. 1st through 4th will stay the same 9-3, but Kindergarten will have a AM and PM session so either you get 9-12 or 12:15-3.

It really makes me upset that this is happening, what could be more important than education. My daughter never attended preschool or daycare, he could never afford it. So I am just afraid that she will not be learning enough in a 3 hour period.

The school had a meeting and we received our assignments AM/PM, the school also said that extra curricular like art, p.e, music will be limited. They will have 2 periods of P.E a week and art and music will switch 1 period a week, so one week she will have art, the next week music.   As for library they were not sure how often they would get to go.

I just don’t think it is fair at all, you should have seen parents at the meeting they were angry and sad. No one was allowed to choose what session they received, so what you receive you have to figure out your work/daycare schedule. I am a stay at home mom, so to me it was not that big of a deal which session I got. Even though now I will probably never be able to attend blog events unless they are on the weekend. With the hour commute to NYC, by the time I would get there I would have to turn around and get home to meet someone on the bus.

I was secretly hoping for AM that way Kenzie could show Alex where to go and help her out. NOPE, I received PM kindergarten, I was crushed, but my girls will be coming home on the bus together.

My day is going to be jammed pack next year. between my everyday life of cleaning cooking, taking care of kids, I will be seeing a child off at the bus stop in the morning, feeding an early lunch to my other 2 children, seeing Alex off at the bus stop a little before noon, then waiting at the bus stop at 3:20 for the kids to come home. Seriously that doesn’t even give me enough time to grocery shop.  The main thing is remembering to get her to the bus stop before noon,


Anyways My real complaint is what is school without lunch, recess, and free time.

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