Monday Mingle June 20, 2011

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4 thoughts on “Monday Mingle June 20, 2011

  1. I think a lot of us are going to be filling in that blank in a similar way. If you have kids, you just can’t seem to clean up and have it stay that way for more than 10 minutes tops. My kids do the exact same thing.

  2. I remember living in a 2 bedroom apt with 2 adults and 4 kids. That was fun times I tell ya, so I know how you feel!

    I don’t like spaghetti straps either. Oh flip flops are really fun. But sneakers are what i wear when I go to the store. With 3 kids that can be really exhausting 🙂

    Yeah, forget keeping the house picked up. I gave up. LOL!!

  3. We have very little storage space too, so I pack our clothes up in those under the bed totes and they easily fit under there. (Just a thought for you.) I agree with the flip flops- gotta have them during the summer!

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