Energizer Lithium Batteries Gas Rewards GiveawayClosed

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Times are very tough right now for people, gas prices are high and prices are going up on practically everything. One thing that I love that helps out a lot is buying products that give rewards. there are so many companies now where if you buy a certain number of products you can get free items back. One of those companies is Energizer….

Energizer Lithium batteries are lightweight and perform great in extreme temperatures(-40 to 140).  Energizer Ultimate Lithium Batteries last up to 8X longer in digital cameras, for up to 8X less waste. Advanced Lithium Batteries last 4X longer in Digital Cameras, 20 hours longer in wireless gaming accessories and 30% in audio devices.

Right now when you buy specially marked packages of any Energizer Lithium batteries you can get a $10 Discover card to be used towards gas, or whatever you would like.  All you have to do is visit www.facebook.com/energizer and click on the Lithium gas rewards tab and enter the codes on your packages. The Gas card will be sent straight to your house.

I have a package of Ultimate Lithium batteries and Advanced Lithium batteries to giveaway to a US reader. Don’t forget the winner will be able to enter the package codes online and get a $10 gas card!

To enter: Tell me what the gas price is where you live? (Here it just dropped to $4.09)

Extra entries:

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Contest ends 8/1/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received, products will be received from Energizer who is also providing the giveaway.


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