Our 4th Of July Celebration

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There is not a lot of Firework shows within an hour drive of us. There are a few outside of an hour like NYC Firework spectacular or a Car raceway, but with the late night fireworks and long drive; We decided against it.

There was a feast and Festival at a local Catholic church/school with Fireworks on Saturday, so we decided to attend that. They had tons of rides and games, although I think majority of Carnival games are a rip off. They had a few kiddie rides for my youngest which was really fun.    It just also happen to be my husband and I anniversary, so it was a fun family day out.

Merry Go Round is always fun and Easy

This picture is bad, but my Husband took my 6 yr old and 5 yr old on the Pirate ship ride that sways back and forth(to the point where it almost flips over).    I had to stop watching after a couple of minutes as I started to cry, because I was afraid one of my babies would fall out.

This again is another bad photo, but I actually got hubby to take a picture with me



We had a lot of fun and celebrated with Hamburgers and hotdogs on Sunday.

Today is more of a relaxed day and we will be celebrating by watching fireworks on TV, since we have work tomorrow.


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One thought on “Our 4th Of July Celebration

  1. It looks like a fun time- and Happy Anniversary!!!
    I know what you mean about that pirate ride, it does look scarey! The pics are great!

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