Looney Tunes Scene and Sound machine Appilcation

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It was bound to happen—Daffy Duck’s made an app out of himself along with his Looney Tunes costars! Yep, the first Looney Tunes app is here, making you the director of your own digital world via your iPhone. Choose from a cast of wacky characters with cool, colorful backgrounds and props at your fingertips. Amaze and annoy your friends with screwy voices and sound effects. Put your favorite character—you—into a Looney Tunes photo frame and share it with your friends. Email it or put it on your Facebook page. It’s your world! And don’t forget to watch the all-new The Looney Tunes Show on Cartoon Network!

The Looney Tunes Scene and Sound Machine App.  was a lot of fun, even though my iPad is acting up and it was all grainy.

We love all the Looney Tunes charcaters, but my kids favorite is Wiley Coyote. They love him because he is funny and they love to see him try and catch the roadrunner to no avail.

Download the Looney Tunes Scene and Sound Machine App. from the iTunes store here:  http://bit.ly/lbpx84 !

“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote  The Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine Application.”

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