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Now that we have decided to stay in Long Island and my husband continue with his PHD studies. We are making over our living room. Everything we have ever bought furniture wise has been from a second hand store or given to us by family.  Well we bought a futon when we first moved in together, but that broke in a few months and was so uncomfortable.

So we have been saving up and now are starting the process of remodeling.  Our new furniture isn’t set to arrive for another couple of weeks. Here is what we have done so far.

We bought a 22 inch tv with VCR about 5 years ago, and the Vcr broke after a couple months( the kids sticking things in there).   It’s a big bulky tv and we really needed to upgrade.



It kind of clashes with our entertainment center, but HD is so much better. We found the Westinghouse 40″ TV on sale at Target

Disclosure: No compensation was received in any form for this post. I paid for everything myself, just wanted to share my makeover experience.







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2 thoughts on “Makeover

  1. Very cool! We are looking at TVs too- we bought ours right before things went digital… I mean right before and we couldnt see respending on a TV. I still hate to because they work and we have cable to see HD, but goodness the new ones are so sharp!

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