Digital cards on the Looney Tunes App.

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Another feature on the Looney Tunes App, is the Digital Cards feature.

The digital card feature on the Looney Tunes App.  lets you create a card for anyone and send them with your favorite Looney Tunes Characters.   Just pick the theme you want, like birthday, thinking of you etc and send.   My kids loved being able to send these cards to family and friends.

Now I know it is not Valentines day, but I love sending my husband little sweet cards every now and again.  I love the skunks love for everything, he is so passionate. So that’s why I decided to make this card.


Download the Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine App from the iTunes Store here today: !

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote  The Looney Tunes Scene & Sound Machine Application.

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