Glee Takes On Bullying

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Bullying has become a lot worse over the years. Bullying is not just people picking on you in school anymore, its adults grandparents and even preschoolers.

You hear more about in the news than you probably see around you. It’s become so severe that innocent people have started to take their own life and that should never happen. Stand up to bullying!

As a teenager I was bullied constantly, over having glasses, being poor, boys liking me, and even dating a girl. Yes that was part of the whole high school experience. I remember always coming home crying, but I think it made me a stronger person today. I have become more blunt and I always stick up for myself.

One of the shows I love is Glee, and Glee has tackled the issue of bullying and other issues we face in our society.

Kurt (Chris Colfer) is a main target for bullying on glee because of his sexual orientation.

Effects of Alcohol, Glee has shown different types of drunks, Santana is a weepy drunk, Mercedes and Tina are hysterical drunks who find everything funny. Rachel and Blaine share a dunken kiss, yet Finn never has a drop of alcohol showing that teens can have a good time.

OCD-Emma Pilsbury OCD condition has her cleaning her desk constantly, and turning rigid at the thought of anything being messy.OCD is not talked about a lot on the show.

Physical Appearances and Plastic surgery Rachel gets a broken nose after Finn hits her in the face and she considers plastic surgery, but decides against it. Quinn who has had plastic surgery loves it and doesn’t regret a thing. It’s rare for a TV show to depict a story of someone who’s life has changed for the better by surgery, It shows that plastic surgery can benefit some but can also go horribly wrong.

It’s amazing how many celebrities have come out after watching glee episodes and told the world about their bullying story or flaws they have.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, Just sharing information provided.

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