Biggest Sandwich Ever

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We have family in town, so we went to the city today (NYC) and decided to stop at Carnegie Deli for lunch. I have never been there, but oh my goodness I can eat for like 3 days on one sandwich.

This is a classic BLT sandwich

I still have half left!  There is 1 lb turkey, 1 lb bacon and 10 slices of lettuce, and 4 slices of tomato.  On the downside it costs $23 just for the sandwich

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, Just sharing my day.

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One thought on “Biggest Sandwich Ever

  1. I have seen that place on TV on one of the food channels and how huge their sandwiches are! They wrent kidding they are huge- besides a teenage boy who could ever eat a whole one? Goodness!
    $23 is kinda steep though for sure!

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