My Early Birthday Present From My Husband

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This past week my Dell laptop took it’s last breath, I was so bummed about it. So my hubby decided to get me a early birthday gift. I was so surprised at the gift, because  he complains I’m on the computer to much already. My surprise birthday gift was…………

Thats right after  getting my Dell fixed 7 times, my husband said enough with PCs and bought me a Mac!

Disclosure: No compensation was received at all. Just sharing my gift.

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2 thoughts on “My Early Birthday Present From My Husband

  1. My dream is a MAC! I mean I love this HP desktop and all, and HP is one of my favs, but I would love to own a MAC.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! What a wonderful gift!

  2. A very special present you can think of giving is a magazine that honors the birthday boy or girl. Gather photos of the birthday celebrant in their forty years and scan these into a computer. Include photographs of notable happenings in their life like their wedding, honeymoon, family gatherings and others. Come up with magazine content on how the celebrant made your life more meaningful and ask his or her other friends and family to give their own touch such as a short letter or well wishes. You could craft the magazine yourself or have it printed at a local print shop.;

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