Monday Mingle 9-12-11

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well since i am still getting use to this new computer and learning how to use things, I am doing my monday mingle this week by writing.

Q:1 How often do you move furniture in your living room?

A: about every 6 months or so, it’s nice to get a new fresh look.

Q2: How do you handle hateful comments or emails? Or someone who annoys you n person?

A: Thats really hard for me, because I am a very honest and blunt person and I will not hesitate to tell someone to go F*** off. I have to just put it off and ignore the comments and emails, they can be deleted. With someone who annoys you, I would tell them I don’t want you around me right now, please just leave me alone.

Q3:ONe ting you will never blog about?

A: I really can’t think about one thing, there are topics I avoid like politics, racism etc. Sometimes my thoughts are just so strong about a topic, that I don’t care what others think and speak my mind.  an example would be gay bullying, I have no problem with gays and I got a lot of backlash for supporting it so publicly on my blog, I had to take down the posts.

Another example and this wasn’t even a hard topic. Is it right for a parent to bring their kids to a spa/salon. The writer was against it saying that salons are a time for moms to relax, not put up with kids whining/misbehaving. I responded with some parents don’t have money to get a babysitter or daycare to go to the spa, but still want a nice manicure.  It started a fire storm with bloggers, saying that if they can’t afford a babysitter they don’t need to be going to the salon etc.

I think that’s so unfair, I am low-income and don’t have a baby sitter, daycare. If I am treated to a spa day, I’m going to take it and bring my kids.

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2 thoughts on “Monday Mingle 9-12-11

  1. Hi there. I am back mingling too. Nice to meet you. I also cut mommies slack. Seriously I have had to haul my kids so many places that I never intended to. So whatever?! If you need to take them or want to take them then why not. Also it is hard to get a sitter.

  2. Ooh a new computer! How fun 🙂

    I agree, it is nice to change things up now and then. I probably will move furniture around before the holidays start up.

    That’s horrible that you felt you needed to take down posts because of the response you got for speaking your mind. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, on their blog… if people don’t like it there is a little X at the top right of their browser window. It’s like magic, I tell ya. 😉

    Have a good week!

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