Setting up for the BridesMaids Party

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No I’m not getting married, BridesMaids is coming to dvd and blu-ray on Tuesday. I haven’t seen the movie yet but people have been telling me it’s hilarious.  20th Century Fox has given me the opportunity to have a BridesMaids themed party for me and a few friends. Things haven’t been going the way I want, but I still am going to try and make the best of it. The party starts tonight after the kidlets go to sleep. The movie is definitely not appropriate for them.

Some party prep, with the kids help.


I’m trying to keep things as healthy as I can, we are trying to eat healthy.


Balloons, which my kids will not leave alone.

So I am setting up for the party tonight, hopefully everything goes as planned.

Disclosure: I received a gift card t help with party supplies.

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