Cold Stone Creamery Free Ice Cream

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On Tuesday, Sept. 27th Cold Stone Creamery and the Make-A-Wish Foundation are inviting everyone to take part in the 10th Annual World’s Largest Ice Cream Social. From 5-8 p.m., all Cold Stone locations will be giving away a FREE 3-ounce portion of the Sprinkled with Wishes Creation, Sweet Cream Ice Cream mixed with Brownie, Rainbow Sprinkles and Fudge. Guests are encouraged to make donations to the Make-A-Wish foundation during this event. Additionally, throughout the entire month of September, every Cold Stone store nationwide will sell paper wish stars for $1 each to help raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This is the 10th year Cold Stone Creamery has supported the Make-A-Wish Foundation and they have raised over $4 million to help change the lives of children with life-threatening medical conditions. Everyone is encouraged to make a donation to ensure that the 10th annual ice cream social is the most successful yet.

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One thought on “Cold Stone Creamery Free Ice Cream

  1. I wish we had one of these nearby- I love companies who give back and make A Wish is a fantastic organization- retweeted it though!

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