The Mentalist Complete 3rd Season Finale

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In the Season 3 finale, Patrick confronts and shoots a man who claims to be the serial killer who murdered his wife and daughter – Red John.

The Finale was exciting, finally coming face to face with the man who killed your family has to be breath-taking. It was a big moment for the show. Unfortunately I don’t think it was the real Red John. The show has been mainly based around this Red John character and it’s hard to see the show going on the same course with Red John being dead. So my opinion is that he is not dead. The on

Order your copy of The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD here today: !

“I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Mentalist: The Complete Third Season on DVD.

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One thought on “The Mentalist Complete 3rd Season Finale

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