Real Steel Giveaway Open To US and Canada Closed

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Real Steel hits theaters everywhere this Friday October 7, 2011.

I have a Real Steel Prize pack to giveaway to one reader from US or Canada

1 winner will receive

  • Real Steel adult t-shirt (S, M, L, XL)
  • Real Steel Bottle Opener
  • Real Steel Stickers
  • Real Steel Temporary Tattoos

To enter: Tell me if you will be seeing this movie?

Extra entries:
Subscribe to my feed- 8 entries
Like Real Steel on Facebook-7 entries
Blog about this-6 entries
Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-5 entries
Follow me on twitter-4 entries
Friend me on Facebook-3 entries
Tweet this-2 entries (can be done daily)
Facebook this-1 entry (can be done daily)
Giveaway ens 10/27/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, giveaway is being handled by company.

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