Chloraseptic for those sick days

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Someone is always sick at my house, and it usually always starts with a sore throat.  So I always turn to Chloraseptic.

#1 Pharmacist recommended.

Provides fast-acting relief of sore throat and mouth pain.

Soothing liquid center – relieves pain and cools nasal passages

Cannot buy anything stronger without a prescription

Chloraseptic for kids is aspirin free, sugar free and alcohol free, and offers fast

relief for children.

**** I love having these on hand, you never know when you are going to need them. It seems like my kids come home once a month with something they caught from school.  Plus it’s been really hot and dry, which can lead to dry mouth and a sore throat.  My kids love the grape taste of the chloraseptic spray and the relief that comes with it. It needs to be applied every hour though.   I really like the lozenges, they are a great flavor and give relief. Although I seemed to have to go through about 2 before I had any relief.

You can find chloraseptic at retailers nationwide, or find more information at

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. Products were provided by the company.

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