Trick Or Treating with the Little Ones

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Halloween is coming up and having 3 young children I know how stressful it can be to take them out trick or treating.

here are some tips shared with me to have a good time:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes: The Disney heels are nice but keep in mind your child will be walking around a lot.
  2. Easy on the candy: No candy should be eaten until you get home, or the next day if it’s late. Your child doesn’t need to be on a sugar high.
  3. Skip scary houses: Scary houses, door bells that make noise, people waiting to scare you, is going to make your child upset and maybe give them nightmares.
  4. Wear bright colors: It’s going to be dark and if you dress your child in black , there is a big chance of them getting in an accident. Also wear reflectors.
  5. Go through Candy: It’s hard to think about but people will give kids poison and other things. Go through the candy and get rid of anything that is open or unsafe.   It is also good for kids to not eat sticky candy, it gets stuck in the teeth. Chocolate is better.
  6. Adult supervision: Kids under the age of 13 should not go out alone. It’s unsafe.
Tips were shared by Pr Agency, I just tweaked them a bit. No compensation was received for this post.
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