Ways to Burn Calories This Fall

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I am on a weight loss mission, and keep breaking my routine. Luckily there are a lot of everyday chores that can be done in fall weather that burn calories.

Raking Leaves: Raking leaves doesn’t need to be a household chore. You can make it a family activity. Tighten your biceps and triceps when raking; switch your leading arm once half the yard is done. This works your upper body. If you want to expand to work your legs, lunge backwards alternating legs with every leaf-raking motion.
You can burn 200-350 calories

Jogging with the dog: Grab your pooch and hit the road—literally, hit the road. Aside from being your best friend, a dog can be the best running partner. If your running partner needs a break—don’t stop. Keep jogging in place. To up the ante, you can do jumping jacks or high knees as you wait.
You can burn 200-400 calories per hour

Picking and lifting Pumpkins: When hitting the pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin to carve— pick a five, ten and fifteen pound pumpkin. And, don’t be so quick to grab those carving tools. Pumpkins can easily be used as weights. Hold the fifteen pound pumpkin in both arms in front of your upper abdomen area, and rotate your body from right to left. Substitute that medicine ball for a pumpkin! The lighter pumpkins can act as weights to strengthen those arms.
You can burn 150-500 calories per hour

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

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2 thoughts on “Ways to Burn Calories This Fall

  1. You’re right about raking leaves- that IS a work out! And the dog is my best buddy for walks. We dont run (well I dont run ) anymore but walking is a nice way to be active and meet your neighbors:)

  2. Pingback: Want To Get Slim And Fit Faster? Here Are A Few Astonishing Tips That Helped Me Out Tremendously | Slimming News

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