Make Your Pumpkin Awesome This Year With Pumpkin Masters

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All in One Carving Kit


Kids can create dozens of pumpkin designs with this kids crafting kit! Includes 12 patterns with instructions, 12 foam stickers, 8 eye and teeth inserts, 1 kid-friendly DuraSaw, 1 Scraper Scoop, 1 Poker, 1 battery operated light, and 1 crayon.

Every year I let my kids decorate a pumpkin for Halloween, It’s part of our craft time. This year we received a Pumpkin Masters carving kit, Pumpkin Masters Light and reflective stickers.

**My kids decided to make the bugaboo pattern. They left the cleaning the pumpkin out to me though.

The pattern was a bit difficult to carve out, and considering last year I went through 3 carving knifes; We let dad step in a finish the design.  The kit worked out good, and their are so many designs to choose from that, we will be using this kit again next year.  The poker did end up snapping while I was trying to remove the lid though.

The light makes it look so cool at night, it lights up the pumpkin and even blinks.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, products were provided by the company.

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