Long Island Mom Is Running For Court Judge

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I always love seeing moms in political positions. They know first and what is going on with children and the discipline they need when in trouble with the law.

I was just recently told about a Long Island Mom who is running Nassau County Court Judge. I don’t live in Nassau county, but I am excited anyway for her.


Elizabeth Kase has the experience, energy and integrity to uphold the law, administer justice wisely and fairly, and make a difference in our communities as County Court Judge.

Kase is currently a Partner in the Garden City law firm of Kase & Druker. She specializes in criminal defense law, assisting clients in various matters ranging from simple misdemeanors and DWIs to complex White Collar felonies, including mortgage fraud, insider trading and large-scale corporate embezzlement schemes in New York State and Federal courts.


To see more about her please visit her website or join her on Facebook.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

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