Switched At Birth Season 1 DVD GiveawayClosed

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One of my new favorite shows is Switched at Birth, I watched the whole first season ย and I will definitely be tuning in for the next in January.

The show is about 2 teenage girls who learn that they were switched at birth and are trying to all live together, and get to know one another. There is always drama, as one parent wants something the other doesn’t. The girls are dating each others crushes etc. It’s a really good show.

Nothings Changed:

Meeting Liam:

Our Situation:

Lost In Translation:

I have one copy of Switched At Birth on dvd to giveaway to US reader.

To enter: Tell me your favorite character on the show? Never seen it just leave a comment.

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Giveaway ends 1/5/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, product is being provided for giveaway.

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124 thoughts on “Switched At Birth Season 1 DVD GiveawayClosed

  1. My favorite character is Emmett.. I used to love Daphne but she got edgier and I started to like Bay more.. I love this show.. I have to enter this giveaway in case my family didn’t catch the not so subtle hints that I’d love to find this under the tree ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I LOVE this show! I dont know if I have a favorite, they all have there parts in the story..but if I had to pick it would be daphne ๐Ÿ™‚

    thanks for the giveaway!

    lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

  3. #2
    I Like No Time Mommy on Facebook
    And comment on your wall !


    lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

  4. #3
    I Like No Time Mommy on Facebook
    And comment on your wall


    lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

  5. I commented on “Rizzoli and Isles Airs on Monday” post

    thanks.. Im def. going to watch an episode!

    lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com

  6. I love this show! ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite character has to be Emmett, love the love triangle angle they have going on with his character. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the chance!

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