The Aftermath of Christmas

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My house was a total disaster after Christmas, toys, clothes, paper etc. everywhere.

This was only a little part of the house.

My house stayed like this all Christmas and most of the 26th. There was just to much stuff and not enough organization. So I braved the crowds for after Christmas shopping and bought a Closetmaid bin organizer, on sale at Target for $39.99.

We have had one for a long time, but needed to as another, yes we just have that many toys. Plus I wanted to be able to put some books in the living room, as well as some other toys.

So today , I put the kids to work with me. Hubby is at work. We took down the tree today and got to cleaning.

The end result I am very satisfied with.

Now if I can just keep it like this until New Years. After all my mother always said, a dirty house on New years is a dirty house all year. LOL

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post at all.

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